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UK supreme court rules web browsing does not infringe newspapers’ copyright
The UK supreme court has ruled that readers who open articles via a website link are not breaking the law, overturning the high court’s ruling that browsing was a breach of newspaper owners‘ copyright. But the supreme court has decided that the copyright issues surrounding web browsing are so important that it has referred the case it was examining to the European Court of Justice to ensure that the ruling applies uniformly across the EU. The ruling comes after a three-year legal between the Newspaper Licensing Agency and a media monitoring company, Meltwater. (The Guardian)
EJC Media News, April 18, 2013The UK supreme court has ruled that readers who open articles via a website link are not breaking the law, overturning the high court’s ruling that browsing was a breach of newspaper owners‘ copyright. But the supreme court has decided that the copyright issues surrounding web browsing are so important that it has referred the case it was examining to the European Court of Justice to ensure that the ruling applies uniformly across the EU. The ruling comes after a three-year legal between the Newspaper Licensing Agency and a media monitoring company, Meltwater. (The Guardian)

UK supreme court rules web browsing does not infringe newspapers’ copyright
The UK supreme court has ruled that readers who open articles via a website link are not breaking the law, overturning the high court’s ruling that browsing was a breach of newspaper owners‘ copyright. But the supreme court has decided that the copyright issues surrounding web browsing are so important that it has referred the case it was examining to the European Court of Justice to ensure that the ruling applies uniformly across the EU. The ruling comes after a three-year legal between the Newspaper Licensing Agency and a media monitoring company, Meltwater. (The Guardian)
EJC Media News, April 18, 2013The UK supreme court has ruled that readers who open articles via a website link are not breaking the law, overturning the high court’s ruling that browsing was a breach of newspaper owners‘ copyright. But the supreme court has decided that the copyright issues surrounding web browsing are so important that it has referred the case it was examining to the European Court of Justice to ensure that the ruling applies uniformly across the EU. The ruling comes after a three-year legal between the Newspaper Licensing Agency and a media monitoring company, Meltwater. (The Guardian)