The two-year project (August 2012-July 2014) aimed to explore and promote challenges of the ICT and new media as channels and sources of information and analysis for media and communication professional and thus to contribute to improved quality of media and communication in Europe.
The project fostered digital skills development, facilitate discussion, exchange of experience, best practices with the aim to evaluate the role of ICT and the new media and use the enormous opportunities they offer.
The emphasis of the project activities was put on the training of media professionals which should widen their capabilities to react adequately to the everyday challenges of the new media environment.
The partnership was partially influenced by the decision not to award grant to two applicants to partnership. Nevertheless, we have managed to reach the main goals as planned. We have organised a kick-off workshop at Malta, and public seminars in Rumania, Bulgaria and Slovakia. Selected PPT have been uploaded on, as well as into official database. These presenations are following one:ocial Media for Journalists, Broadcasting YouTube Videos – Challenges and Opportunities, New Media Ethics, Immersive journalism, The End of Freedom on the Internet, Libel and Defamation Online: Any Escape from Responsibility?, Terrorism: How to report?, The Sarafovo Bomb Attack, Investigative journalism in the age of internet, Investigative Journalism and Bloggs, Curator journalism, Online Corporate Investigation: Aspects and Application, Wikileaks and Snowden: How to deal with classified Information?, How Journalists in the UK, Sweden and Finland reported the Wikileaks case and what impacts journalists thought the whole case had on journalism? These have been viewed 60 times arch : In addition, VIDOVEST has produced DVD on ethics in media.
We have made 15 travels instead of planned 12.
FOPSIM/ Malta:
New Media Literacy for Media Professionals (verzjoni bil-malti)
Information about project from slovak webpages