Workshop: ‘Anti-Corruption Policies Revisited. Global Trends and European Responses to the Challenge of Corruption.’Workshop: ´Anticorruption Policies Revisited. Global Trends and European Responses to the Challange of Corrustiontion.´
25. February 2013NewMedLit NewsEDIA21 in cooperation with the University of Agribusiness and Rural Development in Russe and the Regional TV Center in the city organized a seminar on “Digitization and New Media Literacy: the Role of Public Media”
19. April 2013The rollout for the next executive Master program “International Media Innovation Management” IMIM (first module in Vienna in October, then going to Germany, Spain and the US) has started and candidates can apply until end of April.
There is a scholarship program supported by the City of Vienna which especially could help highly qualified professionals from CEE (Candidates from neighboring countries especially welcome) and refinance up to 50 or even max. 75% of tuition fee (which is 20.000 Euro/year, all included also international lodging, etc.).
IMIMs international faculty integrates many highly experienced colleagues form academia and media. rollout for the next executive Master program “International Media Innovation Management” IMIM (first module in Vienna in October, then going to Germany, Spain and the US) has started and candidates can apply until end of April.
There is a scholarship program supported by the City of Vienna which especially could help highly qualified professionals from CEE (Candidates from neighboring countries especially welcome) and refinance up to 50 or even max. 75% of tuition fee (which is 20.000 Euro/year, all included also international lodging, etc.).
IMIMs international faculty integrates many highly experienced colleagues form academia and media.