Účasť na workshope ROPE v BudapeštiROPE – Changing patterns in journalistic roles and performance in V4 Countries

Nedávne publikácieRecent Publications
20. septembra 2016
Naše mesto 2016
20. septembra 2016

ROPE – Meniace sa vzory v žurnalistike a výkon v krajinách V4
Hlavným cieľom tohto vedeckého výmenného projektu bolo poskytnúť fóra na akademickú diskusiu o súčasných trendoch masovej komunikácie, žurnalistiky a politiky v krajinách V4. Prvým pilierom projektu bol 2-dňový medzinárodný workshop s 20 účastníkmi, ktorý sa konal v Budapešti, 5.-6. februára 2016. Druhým pilierom projektu bolo zverejnenie výstupov. Vybrané články boli uverejnené v osobitnom vydaní Journal of Central European Political Studies. Projekt bol realizovaný od 01.09.2015 do 31.08.2016.

Držiteľ grantu: Centrum sociálnych vied, Maďarská akadémia vied
Partneri: Adam Mickiewicz univerzita (Poznaň, Poľsko), škola komunikácie a médií (Bratislava, Slovensko) a Karlova Univerzita v Prahe (Praha, Česká republika).


ROPE workshop_programme_

Comparative promotion

Prezentácia Dr. Školkay

Prezentácia Ing. Filin

ROPE – Changing patterns in journalistic roles and performance in V4 Countries

Grantholder: Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Partners: Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznan, Poland), School of Communication and Media (Bratislava, Slovakia) and Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic).

The main objective of the scientific exchange project is to provide fora for academic discussion on the current trends in mass communication, journalism and politics in V4 countries. The first pillar of the project is a 2-day-long international workshop with 20 attendees, which will be held in Budapest, February 2016. Addressing the challenge of searching for paradigmatic renewal, we invite distinguished scholars from the field of media, political communication and journalism studies to reflect to the changing patterns in journalistic roles and performance 25 years after the collapse of the communist regime. To comprehend the regional specificities within European and Global contexts, links are established with the international project titled ‘Journalistic Role Performance Around the Globe’. The second pillar of the project is the publication of the outputs. Selected articles will be published in the Special Issue of the Journal of Central European Political Studies. The project will be implemented from 01/09/2015 till 31/08/2016 in cooperation with Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznan, Poland), School of Communication and Media (Bratislava, Slovakia) and Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic).


ROPE workshop programme_

Comparative promotion

Presentation Dr. Školkay

Prezentácia Ing. Filin